Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The parade is coming to town!!

Going off to to tasek lama hoping it won't rain..

fresh flower from RBA

Its' s been ages since I've witnessed THE parade on the street of Brunei..The parade was on 26th July, one of the biggest event during His Majesty's 62nd B'day.. the main reason for me to be excited was because it is happening just right outside our NEW moved in house..

Yeah, after a long tiring month of cleaning, repairing, cleaning again, moving stuff, loading and unloading etc..Finally we moved in on that historical day to coincide with the BIG parade.

under d sea from Shell

We took a walk with the kids right after work, just 3 mins+ from our house (running actually), cross a two lane highway adjacent to our building and reach the tasek lama road where all the beautiful motor lined up. it was spectacular, really missed that atmosphere.. The kids are astonished though sweating coz I insisted Nuryn to wear hooded raincoat incase it will pour.. it was windy but the sight of the colorful decorated motors kept us going against the wind.

Nuryn was drench in her sweat, time to take off the jacket.

We continued admiring and walking, there was loud music too, it came from TelBru ..they dressed up as so-called alien or man from the future , there was under d sea theme from Shell companies, the clams was fully loaded with neon lights, and few others of course the mosque, kampong ayer, giant books, globes ya know the typical. We surely enjoyed the afternoon and we left around 6 couldn't wait for the lights to come coz the cloud was getting pretty dark ..

on the way back, thank god it wasn't raining. BIG thumbs up to everyone who worked hard for the parade..

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Nuryn'z day out..

Going off to Jigsaw, SMILE....

WHAT A pity zeidan was coming down with a flu, so I told him to stay home and rest. He would surely appreciated this day too. It was My school Family Fun Day @ Jigsaw Playschool that moved us to spend a very warm, sunny, sunday afternoon. Sure the first thing Iwanted to try was the BOUNCER, but mummy insisted and kept on persuading me to alot of "pit stop" before landing at the bouncer area. So, as a sweet abiding daughter I was,followed her flow..though I start to wonder on how to escape her.Hmmph (naaaah, don't have the gut) .The first stop was the face painting, couldn't resist all the commotion in there! It was like a room full of tiny supermodel,getting their make up done.

Then Ayah tried "ring -toss" game, Yup he got it all (i think), its not that challenging for a guy who happens to have pair of long arms.
Almost getting to the bouncer area, I was anxious, think i had adrenaline rush as I get closer. Since I was wearing the 'Official" t-shirt that the school had for sales, I was entitled for a FREE unlimited time for all bouncers, yey sound like FREE ride to me. But I didn't stay that long, "I want my Mummy". Ayah came to the rescue, coz Mummy was busy chatting with Aunty Babe. Oh well, Mummy had to 'respect' my decision this time. so Mummy lured me back to the game area. YEY,gotta win some prizes. Must, must, must!! Still manage to try the 'mini-golf' challenge, and coach by our very own "Tiger Wood"

Taking pictures with Baby Yayan & his daddy with catch of d day determine to catch a fish.
The late Barbie & Dora who had a place in our hearts,
(time of death -next day)

Our last game was good old fishing game, it was more fun when baby Yayan was fishing too. He looked surreal for a 20 mth+ boy eyeing to catch one. We both caught two fishes BRAVO (at least that's limit). Really wish Zeidan was there too, he would've catch the fish with his bare hands I bet.

Along the way, We managed to take alot of pictures with Mummy's friends , there was The Special guest of honour Aunty Faizah & family (Mummy invited them over). The glamorous Aunty Babe & family, Old time friend Aunty Ivy & kids, Mummy's cousin so that makes him my 2nd cousin baby Eljaz, he's a 2 yr old cutie.
Aunty Feizah had fun inthe tree house. I know Wafrie, it's scorchng hot.!! Baby Eljaz in full Jigsaw merchandise.

This is the time when Mummy tried to show me how to play dart, OMG she's terrible !!She couldn't aim nor burst any balloon, oh well it's worth a try right!!
OK sayang , 1,2,3 throw..
This is easier, get me closer to the pole
we've done it all, we tried baseball, mini soccer, wishing well (wish I win) n the BEST part winning was the Lucky Draw, Mummy was so occupied with trying to win the game that she didn't hear her name being called out after the 3rd times. Finally, She ran to the MC and shouted "It's MINE" with an over the head pitch voice.

Wonder What's in it?

Time to head home, but before that we treat our self on cool Mr.Softy ice cream while enjoying the afternoon breeze. The afternoon was too hot for me STILL so it's pretty obvious that my only cheerful picture was back in our car, grinning ear-to-ear. Sluuurrrrrrrrp!!Always love to go out more this days, provided it's indoor please Mummy...

Friday, July 11, 2008

colorful day!

Li'l Man of Mine

BIG man in my L'IL heart" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="l" wmode="transparent" flashvars="cy=bb&il=1&channel=2449958197292865438&" style="width:400px;height:320px" name="flashticker" align="middle">

Here's Mummy's boy..

18 mth Zafrey Zeidan 'rugged hairdo' looking outside the balcony one afternoon at our Kiarong Flat, love that CHEEKY smile u give when mummy take ur pics.
He has given the BEST 19 MTHS of my life going to 30..He may look innocent, cute, DISCIPLINE like 1 of my fren claimed. But boy, he's one sneaky challenge that i'm willing to venture FOR LIFE. With handful of love, dash of laughter and sprinkle with FUN i hope to tame this cheeky smile of mine. May you grow up to be a Responsible, Loving, Patience man like ur BIG Guy!!